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Thursday 26 February 2015

How to celebrate Birthday?

Today is my birthday!! I am so happy ^^
Thank you for those who wish me a happy birthday. Thanks to God.. I can still alive and celebrate my birthday with dearest people in my world :)

Let's get back to the point.. Birthday is something special. Lots of pranks and surprises, also many gifts. But some probably bored with that birthday party, want to try something new, out of box, extraordinary..

So in this post, I will write down several things you can do in your birthday. Relax guys, I've already done all of this thing ;)  (at my bday or my friends bday)

  1. Birthday lunch/dinner either with your loves one or family. You can try new restaurant with a great view. Because you want a different scenery. Maybe on the hill, or amazing view of the cities. Anyway, it's the more common way to celebrate your birthday.
  2. Double or triple dates ;) I've tried this and it's fun! you can hang out at pizza restaurant and just chill. It's relaxing and you can make a new friend :)
  3. Go to fashion show. Seriously, this is AWESOME! I've just tried this with my boyfriend. He's adorable, he doesn't know that much about fashion but that's okay. That's why woman exist :)
  4. Go to exhibition. Well, the fashion show also had exhibition too. So it's a plus plus ;) You can buy things even you cannot buy the fashion piece. 
  5. Karaoke is one fun way to spend your time. Shouting your frustration or just hang out and get a sore throat. LOL
  6. Get punk'd!! Your lovely friends probably set an evil thing, all you have to do just go with a flow. Seriously, they make the event, plan ahead, just do it for that day only. Simple.
Sometimes you think, well my bday isn't so bad at all. Dude! It's an awesome thing, because you can live another year/day. You must thank God that you can spend a little time with your precious people,,  Birthday is special because people can gather again for one occasion and celebrate another year.

Saturday 21 February 2015


It's been a long time since I wrote in this blog. I was active in my other blog Tumblr. There were so many events, the big one was One Ok Rock latest album, 35xxxv. You can see about the album and my review in Tumblr. Right now I want to post something different. It's a joke.. If you are Indonesian, you probably wondering what this article about.

It's completely random and if you read about this.. You will learn
  1. Edan is a word in Indonesia
  2. Edan is a singer in Korea
Yep.. totally random. Edan in Indonesia is kinda like "Damn?!". I guess it's the closest meaning I could get. While in Korea, Edan is a singer..
Yep, true.. I done some research and guess what I've found...
Edan sang another track, 13. Begin Again (feat. 한나, Edan) – 최인희, 장경진 from My Secret Hotel OST. 

It's not that I disrespect Edan. But I want to highlight that Even though the words are similar but they held a different meaning.

That's all my random post. See you ^^

Friday 26 December 2014

She went quietly...

I heard this one song by Charlie Winston, the tittle's "She Went Quietly". It's a nice song and for me, I can reflect to this song really well. Although she's surrounding by her friends and family, she cannot help feeling depressed, sad. Is it about work, study or just life.. We tend to face some problems and maybe it ended not so great. And when things started to pile up, we just need to do something to let it out. In this song, the women choose to go away without telling her family or friends. You can said she's running away, but for her that's what she needs to do, run.

I had the same phase too.. Depressed over things in life that I cannot control. I have some thought about running away. Maybe get a new life away from here. But my family won't let me alone, won't let me go. At first I hate it, but I know if they don't do that maybe now I'm in a wrong path, destroy myself.

Because life is unpredictable, at first it's sweet but then it'll turn sour..

We cannot predict what comes next, all we can do is live our life...

Wednesday 1 October 2014

What is Happiness??

Yesterday, I wondered what is happiness? What makes you feel happy? In what form happiness come?

As I thought about it, I started to questioning myself about my happiness. Am I truly happy right now? The naive-me probably would say "No, I'm not. I'm not happy." But now, I can say, "I am happy. Truly happy and I wouldn't replace it with anything in this world."

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. (source: Wikipedia)
For me, happiness is a warm feeling that makes me want to dance, sing, and shout to the world. Sometimes, I just want to see the sky and drown with this feeling. Whenever I see people happiness, I feel it too. And when I feel dejected, I miss those happy moments. That's why we must treasure those beautiful moments because it may not come again.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Bagaimana Cara Belanja di Amazon?

Kadang kalau mencari barang yang emang ga diproduksi atau diimpor ke Indonesia pasti salah satu cara ya beli online. Situs yang paling sering digunakan ya Amazon.com

Amazon tuh udah didirikan sejak 1994 dan sampai sekarang mereka masih eksis (bahasa gaulnya). Berarti mereka trustworthy kan. Pertamanya mereka emang dibikin ya di US jadi yang paling besar Amazon US. Tapi mereka punya Amazon untuk UK, France, Canada, German, Italia, Spanyol, Australia, Brazil, Jepang, China, India dan Mexico, dan situs untuk Sri Lanka dan negara Asia Tenggara segera menyusul. 

Artikel ini bukan menceritakan pengalaman belanja saya. Sebenarnya saya lagi mencari CD Guardians of the Galaxy - Soundtrack dan secara kebetulan (ga juga sih) saya menemukannya di situs Amazon.com. Senang? Gembira? Eitss, jangan dulu. Mari saya beberkan cerita saya.

Di Amazon ada keterangan barang yang dijual apakah baru atau bekas. Kalau di Indonesia mungkin udah aja bisa diakalin tuh info. Tapi kalau untuk situs ini, saya percaya kalau barang baru adalah benar barang baru. Harga untuk barang baru terkadang berbeda-beda setiap seller-nya. Untuk mencoba pertama saya pilih barang yang dijual Amazon.com LLC.

Menariknya untuk soundtrack film ini ada yang tipenya berupa Audio CD ada pula berupa Vinyl alias piringan hitam. Weeww.. keren ya.. Karena saya tidak punya pemutar Vinyl, otomatis Audio CD aja ya.

Harga untuk CD tersebut sebesar $14.67. Saya coba ubah ke rupiah. Jadi..

$14,67 * 11690 (kurs lewat cek di Internet) = Rp 171492,3

Saya cuma pikir.. okay, no problem. Berikutnya saya cari-cari panduan untuk beli di Amazon. Saya menemukan artikel ini (link). Cuma dibaca aja sih, mau liat-liat pendapat orang dan pengalaman mereka. Ternyata benar dugaan saya, ada biaya tambahan seperti membayar biaya bungkus kembali sebesar Rp7.500 per paket. Kenapa? Karena barang yang datang ke Indonesia di cek Bea dan Cukai dengan cara dibongkar bungkusannya. Otomatis perlu biaya tambahan untuk membungkus kembali. Biasanya akan dikasih berita dari perusahaan jasa pengiriman. Abis dibayar baru deh dikirim ke kita. (kata orang-orang) 

Okay, langkah selanjutnya Proceed Checkout. Membuat akun Amazon, menulis nama dan lain-lain, terus menulis alamat kita. Eittss jangan lupa, ga semua barang bisa dikirim ke Indonesia. Saya coba-coba nih tulisannya International shipping eehh pas checkout tidak ada opsi pengiriman, itu artinya barang tidak bisa dikirim ke Indonesia. Saya tidak tahu ya kalau negara lain gimana. Alhamdulillah CD yang dijual Amazon.com LLC bisa dikirim ke Indonesia.

Setelah loading sana sini, akhirnya masuk ke halaman mau dikirim pake apa mba/mas? 
  • Standard International Shipping - No tracking (rata-rata 18-32 hari) 
  • AmazonGlobal Expedited Shipping (rata-rata 5-10 hari kerja) 
  • AmazonGlobal Priority Shipping (rata-rata 2-4 hari) 

Saya bingung memilih yang mana, akhirnya saya coba satu-satu. Pilih yang pertama harga pengirimannya sebesar $8,98. Bagaimana saya tahu? Karena harga total menjadi $23,65. Wah ternyata lumayan lah kira-kira 250 ribu rupiah nih. Tapi saya rada takut soalnya kita tidak bisa melacak keberadaan barang kita alias no tracking. Was was kan. Gimana kalau nyasar?

Oke, kita coba yang kedua yang rada cepet nyampe 5-10 hari kerja. Harganya ternyata $23,37. Wuih beda banget harganya sama yang opsi pertama. Harga ini juga setara harga CDnya, malah lebih. Tapi kalian ga was was kan plus ini termasuk cepet. Iseng-iseng saya coba yang terakhir. Saya kaget harganya sampe $42,01 dua kali lipat dari harga kedua

Dari situ saya mikir-mikir apa jadi beli barang ini? Akhirnya saya ga beli. Kenapa? Harga ongkosnya udah lumayan murah (kalau opsi pertama walaupun was-was) tapi saya mikir kalau beli di Amazon mending belinya banyakan. Antara anda pengen beli banyak barang sekaligus atau anda dan teman-teman beli barang di Amazon sama-sama dan bisa membagi ongkos kirim. Sepertinya itu pilihan bagus dibanding hanya beli satu CD saja.

Saya tetap berfikiran kalau Amazon merupakan salah satu situs e-commerce yang tepercaya dan merupakan senior dibanding situs-situs e-commerce yang lain. Mungkin sebagian dari kalian kecewa dengan artikel yang ternyata akhirnya tidak terlaksana (ga jadi beli). Tapi yah saya cuma membagikan pengalaman saya. Mungkin kedepannya saya akan benar-benar belanja di Amazon. ^^ 

It feels unusual for me to write an article in Bahasa. Since almost 90% article in this blog is written in English. 

Friday 22 August 2014

How to handle menstruation pain??

What is menstruation?
Menstruation, or period, is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle. Every month, your body prepares for pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the uterus, or womb, sheds its lining. The menstrual blood is partly blood and partly tissue from inside the uterus. It passes out of the body through the vagina. (source)

It usually happens 3-8 days. It's normal. You don't have to panic when it's happened :)

Is it come regularly?
For the first year, it doesn't come regularly.

Any complaints during menstruation?
  1. Physically
    1. breast pain
    2. abdominal bloating and pain
  2. Physicology
    1. sensitive 
    2. crybaby
    3. hard to focus
    4. angry without any reason
How to handle menstruation pain?
  • light exercise
  • less sweet food
  • less coffee, chocolate and carbohydrate
  • multiply protein and fruit
Don't forget to change the pads 3 times a day!!